Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 5 ( 14.February.2012 )


Title of Activity :
- Final Year Project Briefing.
- Find the source code for extracting image.

Objective :
- To guide student to build the blog for replacement of log book.
- To learn and search the source code for extracting image.

Content / Procedure :
- Find the website and book where is reveal about the source code.

Result & Analysis :
- FYP blog has been completed.

The first thing you need to do is to get comfortable using Matlab. You need to give yourself a couple of hours to play with Matlab, sit down at an Athena terminal (or purchase and install Matlab on your PC), open Matlab up, and start running some demos. If you type,

>> helpdesk
a Web page will open with links to all sorts of demos and reference information.It is an excellent idea to type in the commands in NMM sections 2.1 and 2.2, to see what they do, and to get familiar with using the Matlab command line. (But don’t worry about the comparison with FORTRAN towards the end of 2.2). Experiment! Nothing you type will break the computer; if you get confused you can type.

>> clear
which will erase all the variables you have defined, and give you a clean slate.Pay attention to the use and special meaning of these symbols in Matlab, misuse can lead to confusing bugs:
; : ( ) [ ] ‘ “ %
Also, beware of the critical difference between and .*, between / and ./, and between ^ and .^
Unless you intend to do a matrix operation or dot product, you will want to use the versions with the dots.

For scientific notation, type
>> y=4e8
>> y=4x10^8Beware that Matlab is case-sensitive, i.e. capital letters and lower-case letters are usually treated as complete different, and essentially all of the functions provided by Matlab are written in lower-case only. If you type

>> help plot
Matlab will give you all sorts of documentation about how the Matlab plot function works. In the Matlab documentation, it refers to some functions using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, but when you use those functions you must actually type them in lower case, not in capitals.

Conclusion :
- I can conclude that I more comfortable with this software.

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